Thursday 21 June 2012

So, why "Business Cards, Letterheads & Other Stuff"...

So, why did I choose Business Cards, Letterheads & Other Stuff... as the title of my blog.

Well, it's sort of an in-joke and anyone from within the industry will understand where I'm coming from.

One of the most popular, and similarly frustrating, questions that I'm asked is "do you do business cards?"

The answer is of course, yes, along with letterheads and 'other stuff'.

But sort of other stuff, I hear you ask?

Well the list is fairly exhaustive, however you can take a look at the company website for more information...

...and then call me on 07584 473738.

Monday 18 June 2012

As One Door Closes....

The old saying suggests that as one door closes, another one opens.

Today, my door to Printagraph opens.

Here goes...