Friday 10 May 2013

Cheap as Chips...

One of things I find most frustrating about working in this industry, is how people think they're doing well by purchasing from the cheapest supplier.
Really. They do.
Somebody wants some urgent leaflets for an exhibition and hadn't planned well enough ahead.
So they get the office junior (usually) to start calling round all the local printers on Google or to get prices for their now urgent leaflets.
And then they buy from whoever is cheapest.
Little consideration is given to experience, investment, contribution of the local community or sound advice.
Nope. They decide to put their company reputation, and potentially their future, in the hands of the cheapest vendor.
Time and time again. In the various companies I have worked for. I hear the same thing. I want Concorde but want to pay Easy Jet.
But if Easy Jet is all you want to pay, then that's all you're going to get!
It's good that we have a number of loyal customers who appreciate the service and advice that we're able to provide.
And to coin that old phrase "you get what you pay for" and it might not be what you're expecting.