Thursday 23 August 2012

The Crown Jewels...

It's been an interesting couple of days hasn't it!
It seems all the talk is either about Prince Harry and his crown jewels or the decision by Aberdeen City Councillors not to proceed with the Union Terrace Gardens (UTG) project.
It really has split opinion throughout the city and opened up an amazing opportunity for  open debate. There didn't really seem to be any in-between: you were either for it (as most people seemed to be) or against it, however despite the public referendum showing the majority of Aberdonians wanted it to proceed, there really wasn't much in it at all. Likewise, with the council vote, it went 20:22 against, with one person abstaining (a disgraceful decision on such an important debate).
But should we be upset that they voted the way they did, or should we applaud them for actually voting and putting it out of its misery once and for all?
What is now clear however, is the £50m donation from Sir Ian Wood has now been withdrawn. And whatever way you look at it, that is particularly disappointing.
But who can blame him? Really, he's trying to give something back to the city that has rewarded him so well, and he's had it spat back at his face. I even read someone referring to him as a bully and a "oil pri*k". Hmm, seems a tad harsh but I guess that everyone is entitled to their opinion.
So really, there have been no winners. UTG will continue to decay as it has been for many years, the heart of the city being stangled like a slow and pain full heart attack.
It's a sad day all round.

Friday 17 August 2012

Is it really over...?

We were having a discussion in the office the other morning, in which we were trying to decide if the golfing season was over.

of course we all agreed, that it's getting towards the end of summer (hahaha) and the evenings are beginning to draw in faster.

And yet, this morning, in torrential rain, players continue to tee off throughout the country.

Is there really a 'season' any more?

Well if you are carrying on playing, no matter what the weather, you should probably check out our new golf only web site, offering some fantastic deals for golfers of all ages and abilities.

Friday 3 August 2012

Go TeamGB...

The achievements of TeamGB in London are fantastic. They have held us by the seat of our pants as they set World Record after Word Record on their way to Olympic Gold.

However one of the other fantastic achievements is the speed at which the Royal Mail have created and released their Gold Medal Winner stamps!

The print technology available today is fantastic and generates lots of opportunities for short run, fast turnaround print.

Our Xerox iGen4 is a perfect example of how state of the art technology can turn around important print orders extremely fast (perhaps not as fast as Sir Chris Hoy & Co but nevertheless...) making the seemingly impossible deadline seem possible after all.

For details of our digital facilities, give us a call on 01224 893900.

In the meantime...GO TeamGB!!

Thursday 2 August 2012

Some water, some cookies and a rat named Roland...

It's been an interesting week so far.

Most weeks are interesting, however this one is really going to town.

With the seemingly never ending rain taking a toll on our roof, it finally gave up the brave fight. And on Monday night the sales office floor took a liking to all the water. Fortunately damage was minimal and disruption to the delivery process was zero. Just don't mention the smell.

To cheer everyone up, we thought it would be great idea to overdose on mini-muffins from those Fabulous Bakin' Boys. So far, it's fair to say that's it's working!

However the highlight of the week (cue Harry Hill Style music) "It's the Printagraph Highlight of the Week" was the unexpected visit from a furry little rodent that wandered in through the back door and decided to make it's presence known! Affectionately nicknamed Roland (you could certainly never refer to us as un-original), our latest recruit obviously felt quite at home in the Office Products Office and appeared nonplussed at the numerous attempts to remove him.

Eventually he was captured and released unharmed back into the wild.