Thursday 23 August 2012

The Crown Jewels...

It's been an interesting couple of days hasn't it!
It seems all the talk is either about Prince Harry and his crown jewels or the decision by Aberdeen City Councillors not to proceed with the Union Terrace Gardens (UTG) project.
It really has split opinion throughout the city and opened up an amazing opportunity for  open debate. There didn't really seem to be any in-between: you were either for it (as most people seemed to be) or against it, however despite the public referendum showing the majority of Aberdonians wanted it to proceed, there really wasn't much in it at all. Likewise, with the council vote, it went 20:22 against, with one person abstaining (a disgraceful decision on such an important debate).
But should we be upset that they voted the way they did, or should we applaud them for actually voting and putting it out of its misery once and for all?
What is now clear however, is the £50m donation from Sir Ian Wood has now been withdrawn. And whatever way you look at it, that is particularly disappointing.
But who can blame him? Really, he's trying to give something back to the city that has rewarded him so well, and he's had it spat back at his face. I even read someone referring to him as a bully and a "oil pri*k". Hmm, seems a tad harsh but I guess that everyone is entitled to their opinion.
So really, there have been no winners. UTG will continue to decay as it has been for many years, the heart of the city being stangled like a slow and pain full heart attack.
It's a sad day all round.

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