Thursday 2 August 2012

Some water, some cookies and a rat named Roland...

It's been an interesting week so far.

Most weeks are interesting, however this one is really going to town.

With the seemingly never ending rain taking a toll on our roof, it finally gave up the brave fight. And on Monday night the sales office floor took a liking to all the water. Fortunately damage was minimal and disruption to the delivery process was zero. Just don't mention the smell.

To cheer everyone up, we thought it would be great idea to overdose on mini-muffins from those Fabulous Bakin' Boys. So far, it's fair to say that's it's working!

However the highlight of the week (cue Harry Hill Style music) "It's the Printagraph Highlight of the Week" was the unexpected visit from a furry little rodent that wandered in through the back door and decided to make it's presence known! Affectionately nicknamed Roland (you could certainly never refer to us as un-original), our latest recruit obviously felt quite at home in the Office Products Office and appeared nonplussed at the numerous attempts to remove him.

Eventually he was captured and released unharmed back into the wild.

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