Wednesday 25 July 2012

To tell or not to tell...That is the question!

To tell or not to tell.

That's the question.

This morning, I got dressed and got ready for work.

I took my daughter to nursery and spoke casually with her carers about the improved weather and the busy car park amongst other things.

I drove to work.

Wished every a one good morning and settled about undertaking the tasks for the day.

I got up and down a few times to participate in conversation, make coffee, stretch the legs, and take time out away from the PC monitor.

And then at 11am. It happened.

A discovery that filled me with dread.

I discovered my trouser zip was still down.

Noooo. When did that happen? Had I forgotten to pull it up when I got dressed? Has it been down all morning? Maybe my daughter caught it as I dropped her at nursery.

Somebody must have noticed.

But nobody said anything.

Which begs the tell or not to tell!

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