Wednesday 7 August 2013

We have a nice car park...

Over the last few months, we've made huge investment in our equipment and our premises.
Of course, not only is this to provide a safe and comfortable environment for us to work in, but also to provide an unrivalled range of services to our local business community.
In addition to the introduction of the very latest digital press from Xerox, the iGen 150, we've also recently installed a hard back casebinder, the only one in the area.
And at this very time, we're in the process of reorganising our internal reprographics department.
Other recent works included the lifting and re-laying of the car parking areas together with cladding of the building exterior.
It's all been done to make things as easy as possible for our clients to trade with us. And for us to be able to complete orders as efficiently and as quickly as possible.
We always encourage and welcome clients to our premises to have a look round, although you might have to bear with us at the moment until the current building works are completed in a few days.

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