Tuesday 13 August 2013

Try hiring an amateur!

A number of my posts recently have focused on price.
This was not deliberate, but a representation of the day-to-day challenges that we face.
More and more people are buying on price and not on service, and that's making the job harder.
But I digress and that's not really the purpose of this.
Recently, I read a post on LinkedIn from a chap that I had started following.
He's a really nice guy, I have known his dad and him since he was a little nipper.
However recently he's been branching out into new fields and offering stationary.
Whilst I have deliberately misspelled stationary, I am confident his use of the wrong word was un-intentional.
Hmm, would you entrust your work to someone who's only USP is the desire to undercut (his words, not mine) the competition? Even more so, someone that can't event get the word correct.
I certainly wouldn't.
Remember the old saying:
"If you think hiring a professional is expensive, try hiring an amateur!"

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